
This lecture has been given in February 2007 and in April 2011 at the Computational Intelligence and Learning doctoral school. It gives a rather complete and self contained introduction to information visualization. One of the goal of the lecture is to show the links between information visualization and machine learning. A complementary introduction to similar topics can be found in my ESANN 2006 survey paper.


2011 Slides

The lecture was organized in two parts:

  1. Introduction and traditional techniques
  2. Advanced visualization techniques (this second part has a quite large pdf file of 24 mb)

2007 Slides

The slides pdf files are a quite large because of images. The lecture has five parts:

  1. Introduction (8 mb)
  2. Scatter Plot (4.5 mb)
  3. Geometrically-transformed displays (4.5 mb)
  4. Iconic and pixel based displays (19 mb)
  5. Machine Learning (2 mb)